Logo for Sanctuary Body, Baltimore, MD

No Pain, No Gain...is a lie!

Is pain getting in the way of staying fit and healthy?


It can come from an injury with a difficult recovery, or from wear and tear over time. Maybe you were used to working out in a particular way, and now that workout hurts. Maybe you keep trying to do what you know and keep re-injuring yourself. It’s discouraging, and you don’t want to risk making things worse, so you stop exercising.

It’s totally understandable, but this one change can lead to a cascade effect of declining health. If days turn into weeks and months without exercise,

  • You will gradually lose the strength, stamina, and flexibility you gained from your former routine.

  • You’ll miss out on the stress relief and mood elevating benefits you get from regular exercise.

  • A sedentary life can lead to excess weight gain, new aches and pains, and a host of other health problems.


It doesn’t have to go that way. Here are a few key things to remember when exercising with pain.

  1. Make sure conversations with your doctor aren’t limited to what NOT to do. Let them know that you value moving and staying fit, and get their input on how you can do it safely.

  2. Listen to your body’s signals! Go slower than usual and check in with your body frequently. If you feel pain or tension, don’t ignore it – even if what you’re doing is normally easy or doesn’t directly involve your trouble spots. Pause and adjust. When exercise feels good, you’re much more likely to stick with it.

  3. Remember that dealing with injury or pain is a winding road. There will be days when you surprise yourself with your progress, and other days when just getting into your sneakers feels like a workout. Give yourself some grace on those difficult days, but don’t quit. If you can manage a short, easy workout – or even just a walk – you won’t regret it.


When clients come to us with an injury, we design an exercise plan that helps alleviate their pain instead of triggering it, while protecting and supporting injured parts as they heal. We watch their movements and alignment extra carefully and help them accommodate their body’s needs in that moment. When they reach a new plateau, we celebrate and set new goals – often beyond where they thought they could ever go again.

You can get stronger again. You can feel good about your body again. You can have that energy and positivity back in your life.

It’s never too late, and it doesn’t have to hurt!

If you think you could benefit from that kind of support, request a consult. We’ll talk through how we can help you achieve YOUR best body, and keep it – including steps you can take to start feeling better right away.

Wellness Wisdom

Proper body alignment at the computer desk.

The Pilates + Life Realignment!

“One of the things I love most about teaching Pilates is that it informs a deep sense of body awareness; once you know what your imbalances are, what your ‘default mode’ is, you can begin to correct it.”

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No pain, all gain.

Is pain getting in the way of staying fit and healthy? …this one change can lead to a cascade effect of declining health. It doesn’t have to go that way. Here are a few key things to remember when exercising

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Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

What will Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body



Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment


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Sound good? Let’s create a custom fitness and nutrition plan to get you on the right track. Schedule a New Client Consult today.

Wellness Wisdom

Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – add active years to your life.  Sexy, right?

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body