Logo for Sanctuary Body, Baltimore, MD

Realign your body - and your life!

“One of the things I love most about teaching Pilates is that it informs a deep sense of body awareness; once you know what your imbalances are, what your ‘default mode’ is, you can begin to correct it.”

Emily Black, Equipment Pilates Trainer at Sanctuary Body


We asked Pilates instructor Emily about how Pilates workouts benefit our bodies in everyday life.


“The vast majority of us spend much of the day sitting – at our computers, in our cars, and around our dining tables. Over time, our bodies respond to not just how much we sit, but HOW we sit.


“Picture your workspace. How is your computer oriented relative to your chair? How is your chair oriented relative to your desk? Are your legs or ankles crossed, and how? Because we repeat these positions, day after day, we create imbalances in the body, which lead to tightness in the hips and compression in our backs. Hunching is a classic example (you’ll notice the average teenager these days forming a rounded upper back and raised/tight shoulders from an abundance of phone screen time).


Body alignment at the computer desk.

“One of the things I love most about teaching Pilates is that it informs a deep sense of body awareness; once you know what your imbalances are, what your ‘default mode’ is, you can begin to correct it.


“Even better, that heightened awareness goes with you beyond the Pilates studio! You’ll start to notice that you’re holding tension in your shoulders when you drive, and begin to relax them down and back. You’ll maybe realize that you always stand with more weight on one leg, or that you’re sitting askew, the same way, every time you sit at your desk.


“I noticed that I tend to place things on surfaces to the left (my toothbrush is on the left side of my sink in the bathroom, the dish soap is to the left of the sink in the kitchen, even my computer was slightly skewed left). Because I am right-handed, this means I’m frequently reaching from right to left, rotating my upper body in that same pattern. Because I am short, this also means I’m frequently picking up my right foot/hiking my right hip to reach for things. As a result, my low back on the right side felt compressed, and my upper back around my right shoulder blade felt pinched.


So I switched everything! I paid attention to how I stood when I was cooking or doing dishes (both feet planted equally, not allowing my right hip to hike). I made sure I wasn’t always rotating to the left. I started to switch up how I sat, and made sure to stretch when I had to sit for a long period of time.


A Sanctuary Body Pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture


“While these routine changes help, with just a few basic Pilates movements, you can start to bring your spine back into balance, repairing those imbalances, preventing injury, and increasing your balance and mobility. You’ll start to feel so much more connected to your body, and in control of your health. There is no better feeling than that!”

At Sanctuary, we offer one-on-one Pilates training, as well as small group Pilates Reformer classes – a unique offering in the Baltimore area.  Our group classes have a 3 person maximum, so you get the personalized attention necessary to find those imbalances and start to fix them.


Ready to give Reformer Pilates at Sanctuary a try?  Your first step is to schedule a New Client Consult so we can create a customized Pilates workout plan that fits your goals, abilities, and budget.  

Wellness Wisdom

Proper body alignment at the computer desk.

The Pilates + Life Realignment!

“One of the things I love most about teaching Pilates is that it informs a deep sense of body awareness; once you know what your imbalances are, what your ‘default mode’ is, you can begin to correct it.”

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No pain, all gain.

Is pain getting in the way of staying fit and healthy? …this one change can lead to a cascade effect of declining health. It doesn’t have to go that way. Here are a few key things to remember when exercising

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Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

What will Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body



Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment


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Sound good? Let’s create a custom fitness and nutrition plan to get you on the right track. Schedule a New Client Consult today.

Wellness Wisdom

Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – add active years to your life.  Sexy, right?

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body