Logo for Sanctuary Body, Baltimore, MD

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – add active years to your life. 

“Alignment-based exercise” doesn’t exactly sound sexy…but poor posture can age your appearance by many years, and lead to muscles aches, chronic pain, and stiffness – none of which is sexy.

Sexy tango dancers demonstrate the value of good body alignment

The daily stresses of life and gravity push our bodies down, sinking our shoulders, collapsing our ribs, and sometimes making us appear older and thicker than we actually are.

Digital devices are also having a negative effect on how we feel and function. One study estimates that the average American looks down at their phone every 12 minutes, or up to 80 times per day!

Alignment-based training aims to retrain and strengthen the muscles responsible for good posture. It also emphasizes proper alignment of every part of your body during each exercise, for maximum benefit without risk of injury.

This requires close attention from your trainer throughout your workout, and it’s one of the chief benefits of training one-on-one or in very small groups. 

We also help clients build greater awareness of the body’s alignment during everyday activities – invaluable lessons as we age and fight to defy gravity. Alignment-based training helps prevent injuries or nerve damage that can lead to costly physical therapy, or even surgery.

With just one alignment-based workout, you can improve your mobility and ward off further strain on your neck, back and shoulders. With regular practice, you’ll be standing taller, carrying yourself with greater ease, and looking and feeling more fit.

That’s definitely sexy.

The ravages of time, gravity and lifestyle can be offset through Sanctuary Body’s pain-free approach to training. Don’t wait. Schedule a New Client Consult today.

Wellness Wisdom

Proper body alignment at the computer desk.

The Pilates + Life Realignment!

“One of the things I love most about teaching Pilates is that it informs a deep sense of body awareness; once you know what your imbalances are, what your ‘default mode’ is, you can begin to correct it.”

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No pain, all gain.

Is pain getting in the way of staying fit and healthy? …this one change can lead to a cascade effect of declining health. It doesn’t have to go that way. Here are a few key things to remember when exercising

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Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

What will Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – and add active years to your life. 

Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment

“Alignment-based exercise” doesn’t exactly sound sexy…but poor posture can age your appearance by many years, and lead to muscles aches, chronic pain, and stiffness – none of which is sexy.

The daily stresses of life and gravity push our bodies down, sinking our shoulders, collapsing our ribs, and sometimes making us appear older and thicker than we actually are.

Digital devices are also having a negative effect on how we feel and function. One study estimates that the average American looks down at their phone every 12 minutes, or up to 80 times per day!

Alignment-based training aims to retrain and strengthen the muscles responsible for good posture. It also emphasizes proper alignment of every part of your body during each exercise, for maximum benefit without risk of injury.

This requires close attention from your trainer throughout your workout, and it’s one of the chief benefits of training one-on-one or in very small groups. 

We also help clients build greater awareness of the body’s alignment during everyday activities – invaluable lessons as we age and fight to defy gravity. Alignment-based training helps prevent injuries or nerve damage that can lead to costly physical therapy, or even surgery.

With just one alignment-based workout, you can improve your mobility and ward off further strain on your neck, back and shoulders. With regular practice, you’ll be standing taller, carrying yourself with greater ease, and looking and feeling more fit.

That’s definitely sexy.

Sound good? Let’s create a custom fitness and nutrition plan to get you on the right track. Schedule a New Client Consult today.

Wellness Wisdom

Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – add active years to your life.  Sexy, right?

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body